Organisation for economic and technical maintenance(GAMESZ) in Hévíz


8380 Hévíz, Kossuth L. u. 4/A.
Mailing address: 8380 Hévíz Pf. 49.
Head: Laczkó Mária

Tel: 83/343-400,  83/540-212
Kitchen: 83/343-181
Answering Machine / Fax: 83/340-602
E-mail: gamesz . heviz @ t-online . hu

The total number of employees of the institution GAMESZ 70 people.

Main targets:

park maintenance,
sanitation maintenance,
cemetery maintenance,
public institutions management and maintenance,
management and accounting tasks,
management and maintenance for surgeries, including dental care services and medicine services for primary health care duty in the city.

 GAMESZ manages the following institutions:


Bibó István Alternatív Gimnázium és Szakközépiskola
8380 Hévíz, Park u. 9.
Tel./Fax: 340-700,


Illyés Gyula Általános és Művészeti Iskola
8380 Hévíz, Kossuth L. u. 2.
Tel:         Igazgatói iroda: 83/540-045
Titkárság: 83/540-047
Fax: 83/540-046
Központi szám: 343-486, 340-388


Brunszvik Teréz Napközi Otthonos Óvoda
8380 Hévíz, Sugár u. 7.
Tel./Fax: 83/343-350


Teréz Anya Szociális Integrált Intézmény
8380 Hévíz, Szent András u. 11/a.
Tel./Fax: 83/343-451


Gróf I. Festetics György Művelődési Központ, Városi Könyvtár és Muzeális Gyűjtemény
838o Hévíz, Deák tér l.
Tel.: 83/341-545, 83/540-196


GAMESZ office work schedule:

Monday - Thursday: 7:30 to 16:00
on Friday: 7:30 to 13:30


Technical team

The technical team provides technical and caretaking tasks related to the operation of the institutions.
It maintain the institutions' buildings, equipment in working condition, other constant maintenance.
It performs the tasks of heating. Development and reconstruction tasks.


Park maintenance and sanitation group

Executing maintenance on the city's public spaces.

And also helps to maintain 31-hectare municipal green spaces, roadside tree lines, parks, flower beds, sidewalks, roads, playgrounds.

GAMESZ Restaurant
own kitchen for the employees of the municipal institutions and the high school (prepares breakfast and dinner). It performs also catering for the guests of the Municipality and for any events in the city as well.

Cemetery maintenance
As a cemetery caretaker carrying out tasks related to the burial and maintenance on the cemetery.

Opening hours:

from 1 March to 31 August: 7:00 to 20:00
from 1 September until 21 October: 7:00 to 18:00
from 22 October to 10 November: 7:00 to 20:00
from 11 November to 28 February: 7:00 to 18:00

Request for burial

The duration for the graves and prices for burial:



Díszsírhely some


Two Díszsírhely


Burial adult individual for 25 years

£ 15,000

Burial, two adult 25 years

£ 30,000

Сhildren's burial (10 years old) for 25 years

£ 15,000

Urnafülke change over 25 years

£ 22,500

Urnasírbolt (2 urn) 25 years / grading /

£ 45,000

Sírbolthely, some 60 years

£ 112,000

Sírbolthely, two 60 year

£ 150,000

If, after the redemption will be built sírbolthely, the grave and the difference between sírbolthely subsequently have to pay.

Services, which can be performed for the general public:


Snow removal