1. Address:
8380 Hévíz, Szent András utca 11/A.
Tel./Fax: +36/83/343-451
Website: www.hevizterezanya.hu
e-mail:info @ hevizterezanya . hu
Head: Lukácsné Horváth Julianna mb. intézményvezető
Tel.: 83/343-451, 30/487-9140
Founder and maintained by: Hévíz Város Önkormányzat (8380 Hévíz, Kossuth Lajos u. 1). Based: 2002
2. The Institute's core business:
Basic services: meals, home care, signaling home care, elderly day care, family support and child welfare
Specialized services: residential care - Nursing Home
Health care: nursing services
3. The scope of operation of the institution:
Based on Alsopahok, Felsőpáhok and Cserszegtomaj Local Government concluded with the task-order agreement for home help, family assistance and care of the child welfare duties Heviz City Administrative Region, Alsópáhok, Felsőpáhok and Cserszegtomaj Villages administrative area of nursing services in respect of Hévíz City, Nemesbük Village and Zalaköveskút Village area.
4. Structure of Mother Teresa Integrated Social Institution:
4.1 Institution, established in: 8380 Hévíz, Szent András u. 11/A.
4.2 The premises of the institution, contact information, number of beds:
Mother Teresa Integrated Social Institution
Mother Teresa Home for Elderly I, 8380, St. Andrew u.11 / A.
Sector ID: S0025503 Tel .: + 36/83 / 343-451
Capacity: 32 people e-mail:info @ hevizterezanya . hu
It has a social catering, home help and home care signaling system tasks.
Mother Teresa Integrated Social Institution
Mother Teresa Home for Elderly II.8380, Honvéd u.2nd
Sector ID: S0025503S0025565 Tel .: + 36/83 / 342-165
Capacity: 25 people
Mother Teresa Integrated Social Institution
Seniors' Club 8380, Vörösmarty u.38th
Sector ID: S0025503S02257756 Tel .: + 36/83 / 340-724
Capacity: 25 people
Mother Teresa Integrated Social Institution
Family Support and Child Welfare Services 8380, Lajos Kossuth.First
Sector ID: S0025503S0273218 Tel .: + 36/83 / 343-293, +36/30/4878920
E-mail: szolgalat.heviz@gmail.com
Mother Teresa Integrated Social Institution
Women's Protective Services 8380, József Attila u.2nd
Tel .: + 36/83 / 343-500, +36/30/4891343
E-mail:terezany2 @ t-online . hu
5. The legal status of institution: a separate legal entity, represented by the head of the institution.