1. Address:

8380 Hévíz, Szent András utca 11/A.
Tel./Fax: +36/83/343-451
Website: www.hevizterezanya.hu

e-mail:info @ hevizterezanya . hu
Head: Lukácsné Horváth Julianna mb. intézményvezető
Tel.: 83/343-451, 30/487-9140

Founder and maintained by: Hévíz Város Önkormányzat (8380 Hévíz, Kossuth Lajos u. 1). Based: 2002


2. The Institute's core business:

Basic services: meals, home care, signaling home care, elderly day care, family support and child welfare

Specialized services: residential care - Nursing Home

Health care: nursing services


3. The scope of operation of the institution:

Based on Alsopahok, Felsőpáhok and Cserszegtomaj Local Government concluded with the task-order agreement for home help, family assistance and care of the child welfare duties Heviz City Administrative Region, Alsópáhok, Felsőpáhok and Cserszegtomaj Villages administrative area of ​​nursing services in respect of Hévíz City, Nemesbük Village and Zalaköveskút Village area.


4. Structure of Mother Teresa Integrated Social Institution:

4.1 Institution, established in: 8380 Hévíz, Szent András u. 11/A.

4.2 The premises of the institution, contact information, number of beds:        

Mother Teresa Integrated Social Institution

Mother Teresa Home for Elderly I, 8380, St. Andrew u.11 / A.

Sector ID: S0025503 Tel .: + 36/83 / 343-451

Capacity: 32 people e-mail:info @ hevizterezanya . hu

It has a social catering, home help and home care signaling system tasks.

Mother Teresa Integrated Social Institution

Mother Teresa Home for Elderly II.8380, Honvéd u.2nd

Sector ID: S0025503S0025565 Tel .: + 36/83 / 342-165

Capacity: 25 people

Mother Teresa Integrated Social Institution

Seniors' Club 8380, Vörösmarty u.38th

Sector ID: S0025503S02257756 Tel .: + 36/83 / 340-724

Capacity: 25 people

Mother Teresa Integrated Social Institution

Family Support and Child Welfare Services 8380, Lajos Kossuth.First

Sector ID: S0025503S0273218 Tel .: + 36/83 / 343-293, +36/30/4878920

                                                                              E-mail: szolgalat.heviz@gmail.com

Mother Teresa Integrated Social Institution

Women's Protective Services 8380, József Attila u.2nd

                                                                                  Tel .: + 36/83 / 343-500, +36/30/4891343

                                                                                  E-mail:terezany2 @ t-online . hu


5. The legal status of institution: a separate legal entity, represented by the head of the institution.